Still life (2011)

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Photos, video installations and performance

VIDC Möllwaldplatz 5/3, 1040 Vienna

The artist Elisabeth Tambwe deals in diverse artistic expressions mainly with the manipulation of the female body.

For the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day, this issue is particularly explosive.

Showing edited photos and video installations. The representations of the manipulation of the female body open interpretive leeway and can be interpreted by the exhibition visitors both in the context of war and violence against women, but also in connection with beauty ideals, artificial femininity, HIV / AIDS, etc.

A video installation shows the surgical dissection of a chicken – associations with torture and rape are awakened. The second video deals with metamorphosis, beginning & end, opening up prospects for the indicated in the first video scenarios of violence and oppression. The videos are based on the dance performance Anomalic in which Elisabeth Tambwe has already dealt with these issues

With her work Elisabeth Tambwe is aiming to represent the fragility and vulnerability of marginalized women, on the other hand it emphasizes therefore the fact that they are not merely puppets of globalization, cultural norms, gender roles or biological imperatives.