100 pas presque (2014)
“Walking means falling continuously. Falling means learning to walk.”
“Crossing a room of 100 meters in an hour at extreme slowness seems to me to be one of the most difficult things for a dancer. At the same time, it is an invitation to perceive one’s surroundings under changed conditions, to think differently about oneself and one’s relationship to others and to ask the question where the place of contemporary dance is: in the world, in public space, where you don’t expect it. ” Taoufiq Izeddiou
Taoufiq Izeddiou, one of the most important representatives of the vibrant North African dance scene, formulates with 100 pas presque a choreographic invitation to pause in the loud, colorful, lively everyday life in the middle of the Vienna Museum Quarter. To slow down the movements, the gestures, the gaze and to adopt a changed rhythm, one that allows a changed perception of body, space and time. The international group of dancers that the Marrakech-based choreographer and dancer gathers around him is accompanied by a group of local artists who take the audience on a journey: from concentrated silence to a dynamic, shared, danced, heard experience of Joy.
With: Hafiz Dhaou, Sabina Holzer, Saskia Hölbling, Taoufiq Izeddiou, Barbara Kraus, Meryem Jazouli, Rotraud Kern, Eric Lamoureux, Milan Loviska, Aicha M`Barek, Raul Maia, Anna Mendelssohn, Bernardo Montet, Marta Navaridas, Amanda Pina, Oleg Soulimenko, Elise Tambwe, Brigitte Wilfing
Music: MA78
Mario Rom (trumpet)
Florian Fennes (reeds, electronics)
Patrick Stürböth (guitar, Paddycaster®)
Philipp Moosbrugger (bass, sample piano)
Niki Dolp (drums)
Taoufiq Izeddiou’s residency is made possible by the Artists-in-Residence program of the Federal Chancellery (BKA) and KulturKontakt Austria (KKA).
100 pas presque was originally created as the final act of the international dance festival On Marche, which takes place annually in Marrakech under the direction of Taoufiq Izeddiou.
An event as part of the MQ Summer of Sounds in cooperation with the MQ